Current Issue: Issue 25

We’re thrilled to share Issue 25 with you! We hope it brings you joy in such chaotic times..…read more

Call for submissions: How do we remember?

How do you identify erased histories? How do we locate the first seeds of our family trees? How can we capture what we can’t see or touch, like our wedding songs and food recipes? How do we preserve and categorize our photo albums and documents? How do we document our surroundings, neighborhoods, and cities? 

Submit your sketches, paintings, collages, photographs, journal entries, articles, videos, and anything in between by June 1, 2025 here.

We believe that art does not come in one shape or medium or background. Artwork by artists whose backgrounds and upbringing are specific to Saudi is accepted. Regardless of age, nationality, or background, you are welcome to submit your work at anytime for our monthly General Issues for free here.  

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