Ward x Unootha Present:

After a rejuvenating break, Unootha and Ward magazines are excited to join forces and breathe life into our upcoming collaborative issue, centered around the theme of "seeds." Just like seeds themselves, this issue represents the potential for planting, revival, and rebirth. We invite you to participate in this journey of exploration, reflection, and growth.

Seeking contributions that delve into the multifaceted nature of seeds, we encourage you to explore the interconnectedness of themes of planting, rebirth, family, roots, and the resilience of lineage.

We envision this collaborative issue as a celebration of diverse voices and expressions, connecting the threads of past, present, and future. Share your unique experiences and narratives, nurturing a tapestry of voices.

Submissions are accepted and published on a rolling basis until October 1, 2023. To submit your work, please visit our website at link and follow the submission guidelines outlined there.


roots, grow, disperse, breakthrough, soil, earth, hands, dirt, country, letter, language, lineage, ancestry, embryo, food, nutrients, nourishment, water, resist, temperature, life

roots, grow, disperse, breakthrough, soil, earth, hands, dirt, country, letter, language, lineage, ancestry, embryo, food, nutrients, nourishment, water, resist, temperature, life

  • Beloved reader, 

    Seeds are, perhaps, the most abundant notion on this planet. They surround us perpetually and exist within us, either masked or as clear as the light of day. When Khaled and I sat together in a matcha-centered cafe earlier this summer in New York City, a seed was birthed and planted right then and there, the product of a conversation about yearning for creation and community. 

    Khaled Alqahtani is the founder of Ward, a one-person show dedicated to recording and showcasing the art scene in Saudi Arabia that started in Tabuk, a province in the North-West of Saudi Arabia. Some years ago, he planted a seed that has sourced conversations and reflections on art and culture within his community. I, Fatima AlJarman, similarly planted a unique but adjacent seed in my own home, in Ajman—the smallest Emirate in the UAE, wholly embraced by the larger Sharjah—when I began to cultivate Unootha in 2018.

    Our dreams and choices—two distinct but related processes—enabled the seeds of Ward and Unootha to be planted, for their years of production to be sown, and for this collaboration to bloom. 

    It’s been a minute since you last heard from us—we know—but in this letter, we invite you to join us in our cafe conversation. To converse with us about art, literature, dreams, and community. Welcome to our collaborative summer issue themed seeds, celebrating all the things we sow, we birth, we nurture, and we grow. 

    We will be accepting and publishing submissions all summer along, and we can’t wait to nurture this garden with you. 


    Fatima and Khaled

  • Follow these steps to submit:

    General info

    1. First and last names

    2. Hometown

    3. Short bio (interests, background, experience, etc.)

    4. Submission title

    5. Submission description (what inspired it?)

    6. Social media accounts

    Submission type

    1. Text:

      Includes poetry, short stories, articles, plays, etc.

      Accepted file types:

      Sent as text or in doc or .docx

    2. Visual:

      Includes all types of art, and must be scanned and sent 300 dpi resolution.

      Accepted file types:

      .pdf, .png, or .jpg

    3. Video:

      Includes performance art, short films, documentaries, etc.

      Accepted file types:

      URLs to uploaded videos on YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

    4. Hybrid:

      Includes a combination of the previously mentioned types.

    Sending your submission

    Email general info + submission to: contact@wardnt.com

    You will be contacted shortly after submission.