Cover art: Yellow Days Are Over by Nouf Semari
Issue 22
Dear reader,
We’re thrilled to share Issue 22 with you, which includes artwork and poems that discuss community, racism, mental health, and more. In Issue 22, we talked with artist Aisha Zakiya Islam about navigating the local art scene as a Bangladeshi artist, as well as the themes present in her work. For the Razgi column, Marwa Alqatari takes us in a journey to explore her sketchbooks. We also reflect on our first Kawalees session with Sarah Brahim and Mohammad Alfaraj, as well as everything we learned from Tara AlDughaither in our second Kan yama kan session. We want to conclude with inviting you to submit to our upcoming issues: General Issues and Religion Issue.
We hope you enjoy Issue 22 as much we enjoyed working on it!
- Khaled Alqahtani, Founder + Editor-in-Chief
On Identity and Elegies: An Interview with Aisha Zakiya Islam