
He awakened among pockets of sand 

Gazing at a star that had gone astray

And the moon moving away

From the heavens to kiss the land. 

At dark, he hid from the growing moon

And chased the glowing sun at morn

He wandered around and wondered about 

How he spawned at the golden drought.

Walking for days had the boy beat

He wiped the sweat off his forehead basked in the bittersweet heat 

And with sand he made himself a bed.

He arose again amidst the dark  

On a new journey, he would embark 

He traversed the infinite dunes and soon 

Would find an object so huge and stark.

His pupils widened to carefully capture

Every detail of this curious encounter 

“Lub dub Lub dub” screamed his heart 

And his soul was in a perfect rapture. 

The mystery of that box took his mind 

Captive in its cage and hopeless to find 

Answers to his queries, answers behind

The wonders within its insides confined.

The blue crescent began to grow again 

Yet the box remained intact 

The boy had to finally succumb 

To the eerily painful fact. 

As those thoughts roamed his mind 

The curious object began to bloom 

But upon inspection, the truth loomed 

After all that pain, the box was empty inside.

Yazeed Alroogi is a university student from Jeddah. He sees writing as a fulfilling medium to pour out thoughts and emotions in order to decipher them. Follow him on Twitter for more of his work.